Sunday, 5 June 2011


Leave the beaten track occasionally and dive into the the woods. every time you do so , you will be confirm to find something new which you have never seen before. follow it up, explore all around it , and before you know it , you have something worth noting to occupy your mind. all really big discoveries are the results of thoughts.
                                                                                                                       ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL                                                          HIS 

Friday, 3 June 2011

real dictionary


·   @ Ability is the poor man’s wealth.
·      @  Develop ability to utilize the opportunities which are now open to you.
·       @The winds and waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators.

·      @  A wise man is one who can live in peace with things that he cannot change.
·        @When we have accepted the worst, we have nothing more to lose.

·  @Every great achievement is done slowly.
·       @Look at your achievements by the efforts made and not by the results achieved
·      @ Never falling is not an achievement
·       @ Real achievement is rising again after a fall.
·      @  The bright beginning made each day can become the early dawn of the day of achievement;.
·        @The real men of achievement are the people who have the heroism to fuel more and more enthusiasm in their work when they face more and more difficulties.
·       @ When a thing is done, it is done. Don’t look back. Look back to your next objective.


·  @  The world expects results, don’t tell them the labour  pain, show them the baby.


·  @ Acting on a good idea is better than just having a good idea.
·      @  Action is the only option
·       @ Choose a life of action.
·      @  Do what you can , with what you have, where you are.
·        @. Action is the expression of thought. Rest for a single moment , rest is mute.
·     @   Look at nature. She is continuously in action ,never rests for a single moment.
·     @   Much has been done but more remains has to be done.
·      @  No one attains perfection by running away from the action.
·      @  Our trouble is not ignorance but inaction.
·      @  The action of today becomes the destiny of tomorrow.
·       @ Think before acting, but when the time of the action arrives stop thinking.
·        @Think like a man of action. Act like a man of thought.
·       @ Words gain credibility by action.
     @Adjustment is not compromise.
·      @  An administrator is adept at adapting.
·       @ Be firm not rigid.
·       @ Look  at the tree, it bends with the wind but it does’nt falls.
·        @ADVERSITY
·      @  Adversity causes some men to break, some men to break records.
·       @ Adversity I traduces a man to himself.
·       @ Adversity is afraid of one who is not afraid of adversity.
·        @Adversity makes man wise but not rich.
·       @ A winner gets scars too.
·       @ In prosperity our friends know us, in adversity we know our friends.
·        @The finest steel has to go the hottest fire.
·       @ The greater the obstacle. the more is glory in overcoming it.
·        @There is no success without hardship.

·  @ Advice is seldom welcome;those who need ot most, like it least.
·      @ Don’t offer advice which you can’t practice.
·     @   In giving advice, try to help, not to please nor to tease.
·      @  It is better to be advised than to be praised.
·       @ Never give advice unless asked.
·       @ Never mind if the advice given by you is not followed.
·        @Whatever advice you give, be short.
·        @ Write down the advice of him who loves you, though you like it not at present.

·  @   A man is old as he feels.
·      @  Count your age by friends not by years.
·       @ Grow up as soon as you can, it pays. The only time you really live fully is from thirty to sixty.
     @It is better to be 80 years young than to be 40 years old.
@no wise man ever wished to be younger.
@what is important is not the year in your lifebut the life in your years.


If two men on the same job agree all the time, then one is useless. If they disagree all the time then both are useless.


Don’t run the other man’s plan unless you have better ones to offer.
For every malady, under the sun.
        There is a remedy or a none
        If there is one, try to find it.
        If there is none, don’t mind it


Ambition is like food-too little or too much, both are harmful.
Not failure but low aim is crime.
The earth has a limit
         The mountain, the sea
         The deep thoughts of king
         Are without boundary.


Anger is the wind which blows out the lamp of the mind.
Anger is an arrow, which will return on you.
Anger is like short circuits of thoughts. The consequence is darkness.
Anger is nothing but an attachment for anything.
Anger is only one letter short of danger.
Anyone who angers you conquers you.
For every ten minutes you are angry,
    You lose 600 seconds of happiness.
He who is slow to the anger is better than the mighty.
If you are angry, count upto ten if very angry upto  hundred.
If you are right then there is no need to be angry,
            If you are wrong you cannot afford to be angry.
Keep cool, anger is not an answer.
Never write a letter when you are angry.
Steel lose much of its value when it loses its temper.
The best remedy for the anger is delay.
He greater the man the more strained is his anger.
To be angry is to revenge the fault of others upon ourselves.
When the wise gets angry they lose their wisdom.


Never claim as aright what you can ask as a favour.
Never fight with a man who has nothing to lose.
Never murder a man who is committing suicide.


A danger foreseen is half avoided.
Anticipate carefully but positively. He who forsees calamities, suffers them twice over.
Correct anticipation is an indication of your development.
Judicious anticipation lessens your trouble.


ALL that glitter is not gold.
Always behave as nothing has been happened, no matter what has happened.
Appear like a winner even if you lose.
Clothes doesn’t make person, they speak for you.
Polished copper is cheaper but makes more impression than crude gold.
The first judgement is from appearance.
The shortest and the sure st way to live with honour in this world is to be in reality what we would appear to be.

Agreement gets better results than arguments.
All arguments and reasoning must be based on certain perception.
Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; argument is an exchange of ignorance.
Never go to the sleep with an argument unsettled.
Speech is silver; silence is gold.


Admitting you are wrong is a modest way of showing you have grown a little wiser.
Arrogance is nothing but ignorance.


All art is but imitation of nature.
Behind each artistic endeavour lies the inspiration of God’s creation.
Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.


Let  us move on to the stars. Who can hamper our ascent?
The bird whishes it were a cloud. The loud wishes it were a bird.


It is better to be alone than in bad company.
Tell me who are your associates and I will tell you who you are.


As soon as we attach ourself with the work we do, we feel miserable.
Attachment only comes when we expect a return.
Bring your hearts together, but keep your tents separate. 

                                                                                                                 search is continued.....................

Thursday, 2 June 2011


We will be always with you to seek you stepping forward.............................bye!

                                                                                           editorial grp.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

NEILS BOHR(1885-1962)

'It is wrong to think that the task of the physics is to find out what nature is.
 physics concerns what we can say about nature'
                                                                                                 Niels Bohr

Bohr was first to apply the quantum theory,which restricts the energy of a system to a certain discrete value,to the problem of atomic and molecular structures. for this work he received the novel price in 1922. he developed the so called bohr theory of the atom and the liquid drop model of the atomic nucleus.

                           THE KIDNAPPER
The university of Gottingen in Germany was hosting a big dinner in the honour of a Danish nobel price winning physicist. Suddenly the dinner was unceremoniously interrupted by two uniformed German policemen. they accousted the great scientist and on of them  announced"You are under arrest on the charge of dnapping!".
The guest of the honour as well as the rest of the gathering were utterly shocked at this appalling charge. everyone was left struggling for the words and the air was tense.when the snigger broke the silence. one of the two policemen were grinning from ear to ear and soon the other too started to laugh mirthfully. in other moment the cat was out of the bag. the policemen were mischievous graduate students.
Just a day before the big diner, the scientist has visited a Germen graduate student, who even at a very young age made a great advances in the field of the quantum mechanics.the guest scientist has invited the young man to come to Copenhagen to work with was the scientist's attempt to virtually 'kidnap' this student that had promoted some other students to stage this drama.
Linus Pauling and Neils Bohr
the scientist did not go to the jail, but the German student did accompany him to the Copenhagen where the former had founded the Institute of Theoretical Physics. this prodigious German student was no the than WERNER HEISENBERG. while the guest of the dinner was famous physist NEILS BOHR.
 Bohr has seen a streak of genius in the young student and he groomed him under his tutelage and the scientific world was rewarded by a path-breaking theory, the Heisenberg uncertainty principl that till today forms the fundamental basis of quantum mechanics.

                                                   EARLY LIFE

Neils Bohr was born on October 7,1885 in Copenhagen,Denmark.his father Christian Bohr, was a professor of physiologist the University of Copenhagen. his mother , Ellen Alder Bohr, came from a wealthy jewish family.

Bohr's scientific interest and abilities were evidence earlier. he distinguished himself at the university of Copenhagen and won a royal medal at the royal danish academy of sciences for his theoretical analysis and practical experiments on the vibrations of waterjets as away of determining surface tension. in 1911 he received his doctorate for hid thesis on the electron theory of metals. e then went to england, tending to to continue his work with Sir J.J Thomson. however Thomson failed to show interest in Bohr's idea of electron in the metals.although he has worked n this subject years ago. quite undettered Bohrs returned to the in the march 1912 and joined Ernst Rutherford group studying the structure of the atom.

                                           NEW ATOMIC MODEL

In Manchester Bohr worked on the nuclear model of the atom. Bohr was among the first to see the importance of the atomic number, which indicates the position of the element in the periodic table and is equal to the number of natural units of electric charge present in the nuclei of the atom.

Bohr recognised that the various chemical and physical properties of the depend on the electron moving around the nuclei of their atom and that the small but the massive nucleus only determined the atomic weight  and the possible radioactive behavior.

A few years ago Bohrs has presented the planetary model of the of an atom in which he postulated that electrons move around the nucleus just same as the the planets moving around the sun. however this model of the atom was quite unstable. according to the rules of physics the moving electron should radiate energy thus causing them to slow down and at the end they have to collapse in to the nucleus. as this does not happen in reality, Rutherford model proved to be flawed.

Bohr imposed th stability of the atomic model by the new ideas of quantum theory. with plank's quantum theory as the basis, Bohr postulated that in certain in certain orbits the electron are stable and neither lose nor they gain energy as they orbit the nucleus. energy is lost or gained only if electrons jump or de-exite. this description of the atomic structure came to be known as the Bohrs atomic model.

Bohr's quantum theory of of the atom also explained the series of lines explained.the series of the lines observed in the spectrum of light emitted by the by the hydrogen atom. he concluded that the lines in the hydrogen spectrum are caused by the when the electron jumped between the the higher and lower energy level in the atom. Bohr also determined the frequency of the f the radiation so emitted would be equal to the difference between the energy of the two states divide by the plank's constant. this meant that atom can neither absorb nor emit the energy continuously can but can do so only in the finite steps or quantum jumps. Bohr returned to Copenhagen from Manchester during the summer of 1912, married Margrette Norlund,  and continued to develop the theory of the atom. the work was completed in the 1913 and the world got its new atomic model. later Bohrs theory was confirmed by spectroscope and other experiments.


IN 1916 Bohr was appointed to the professorship in his native city. the university created a new institute of theoretical physics for Bohr, which opened its doors in 1921. he served as its director for rest of his life. though the early 1920s Bohr tried ti develop a a consistent quantum theory that would explain all the aspect of the atomic model and at the same time he also tried to explain the structure and the properties of the atoms of all the chemical elements.

Bohrs Institute at Copenhagen soon became an international center for work on atomic physics and quantum theory. even during the early years of its existence the institute boasted of a number of great minds from many lands including H.A.Kramers from Neitherlands, George Charles Von Hevesy from Hungary, Oskar Klien from Sweden , Werner Heisenberg from Germany.  Nad John slater from United States.. some of them like Heisenberg were personally picked by him.

in 1922 Bohr was awarded by noble price in physics for his work on atomic physics and quantum theory. Bohr's eminence grew and he travelled worldwide lecturing in many countries. during the next some years Bohr held intense discussions with the scientist across the world.-- discussions that dealt with the issue of linking the mathematical mathematical issue of quantum mechanics with procedures and the results of the experimental physics.

EINSTEIN greatly admired Bohr's early work, referring to it as "the higher form of musicality in the sphere of thoughts" but he never accepted the Bohr's claim that quantum mechanics as the "rational generalisation of the classical physics" required for the understanding of the atomic phenomena. Einstein and Bohr discussed quantum mechanics on a number of occasions. but they never came to a basic agreement. however , Bohr himself accepted that Einstein's challenging objections had proved to be of vital importance in the evaluation of his own ideas.


I simply define success as a manifestation of good luck that results from the inspirations. success is not measured by how we could go up in life, but how many times we bounced back when we fall down.

"the failure is the highway of success"

There was a man who failed in the business at the age of 21, was defeated in the legislative race at the age of 22,failed again in the business at the age of 24, overcame the death of his sweet heart when he was 26,had a nervous breakdown at 27,lost a congress race at the age of 34, lost sensational race at the age of 45, failed in efforts to become the vice-president at the age of 47, even after many obstacles he did not lose his self reliance and finally at  the age of 52, he got elected as the president of USA.

"A minute success pays the failure of a year" the person reffered to is none else but greatest among the greats ABRAHAM LINCOLN

In many views success can be measured. if you work hard without losing your confidence, shining success stands before you.


[The aim of life is not self projection,It lies,for others in devotion and dedication]
                                                                                                   ----simple but true

We rise,we work,we eat and we sleep
In success, we laugh, in failure we weep
Do we ever think, why god have sent us here
Surely he have some meaning hidden in deep.

In fact we are born to please them here
Who live for us and love us so dear
May god bless us to play our humble part
And love them too from the core of our heart